In a world where we are all searching for safety, meaning, connection, and purpose, there are no better teachers than the rescued animals of The Gentle Barn says Ellie Laks, author of the new book: Cow Hug Therapy: How the Animals at the Gentle Barn Taught Me about Life, Death, and Everything In Between.
Check out a heartfelt video from CBS Mornings featuring Ellie and the animals at the Gentle Barn at the bottom of this Post. “Having gone through trauma of their own, they learn to forgive, trust, and love again. Once healed and happy, they are ready to pay it forward to help people with the same stories of recovery. When people are too shut down or angry to talk in traditional therapy settings, they can rest their faces against our gentle giants, hear their heart beat, rise and fall with their breathing, exhale, rid their minds of worry, and be immersed in present time, grounded, centered, small, humble, and vulnerable. That is where healing starts!” she shares. Cow Hug Therapy is the inspirational story of the compassionate and wise animals of The Gentle Barn Foundation and how they became a therapeutic salve for countless guests from all over the world. From her very first cow named Buddha, to countless turkeys, pigs, dogs, horses, and matriarch cows, who through their stories of survival and recovery, their work with hurting humans, and their experiences celebrating life and mourning death, Ellie lifts their personalities off the page and shares their lessons with us all. The stories of these animal ambassadors remind us how to practice self-care, maintain mental health, heal through compassion fatigue, approach death and grieving with strength and grace, and find our way to gratitude. Each animal has a story to tell, teachings to offer, and healing for every reader. Cow Hug Therapy will make you laugh, cry, and be inspired, bringing you closer to animals, nature, and most importantly, to yourself. In 1999, Ellie Laks founded the Gentle Barn Foundation with goats and sheep rescued from a neglectful petting zoo. With the help of her husband and cofounder, Jay Weiner, that sanctuary in Santa Clarita, California, rapidly grew to include a variety of animals and two more locations. Laks has two decades of experience as a public speaker, with appearances including a TEDx talk, and has given interviews to numerous magazines and newspapers. She has appeared on Good Morning America, TODAY, Ellen, Yahoo News, Verywell Health, and local CBS, NBC, and cable news/culture shows. You can purchase the Book Here. Comments are closed.