The FruitGuys, a San Francisco based green and sustainability-focused company delivers farm-fresh, organic and conventional fruit to offices across the country. They recently launched their home delivery service, and I got the chance to try one. The fruit crate included an abundant amount of fruit including bananas, oranges, apples, pomegranate, grapes, and pears. Seventy to ninety percent of the fruit mixes offered are locally grown within the regions they serve (East Coast, Midwest, West Coast) and go from the farm to home or office within three to four days and all fruit is packed in earth-friendly crates, constructed with recycled cardboard and printed with soy based inks. The Fruit Guys also offers individual TakeHome Cases full of organic vegetables and fruit for employees to take home when they don’t have time or access to a Farmer’s Market. These crates are currently only available in San Francisco, but will soon be available nationwide. Comments are closed.