Bàrbara Mesquida Mora is a fourth generation winemaker at Jaume Mesquida in Porrores Mallorca. After an online search for Biodynamic Mallorcan wineries yielded one hit of Jaume Mesquida, I drove to the winery to explore the winery and wines for myself. I videotaped Bàrbara describing why her winery decided to transition to Biodynamic. In addition, I'll include more information about the winery, pictures, and a description of the two wines I tasted and brought back to the United States. Video Winery Information
The Jaume Mesquida winery at Carrer de la Vileta, 7 in Porreres, Mallorca owns 22.2 hectares of vineyards and buys additional grapes from producers in Mallorca. Their practices include: - Abandonment of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers (fungus problems were treated with copper, sulphur, and infusions of nettle and horsetail and biodynamic preparations of silica with an aim to reduce copper and sulphur doses in the future) - Using vegetable cover during Autumn and Winter (grasses protect soil from erosion and invite earthworms to fertilize and aerate the earth) - Scattering compost with biodynamic preparations - Tractor use reduction (large machinery causes soil compaction and loss of fertile soil due to overworking) and returning to manual labor - Labeling bottles in Braille and offering wine tours for unsighted tasters and visitors - Recycling the majority of generated waste and installing a solar array heating all sanitary water - Promoting a fourth quarter season of activities of dance, theatre, and music called 'Culture, Earth, and Wine' Sirà and Cabernet Sauvignon Bàrbara recommended I try two wines: the 2006 Sirà and the 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon. Incidentally, the Jaume Mesquida Winery produced the first Cabernet on the island of Mallorca in 1982. Both wines have a complex array of intense, fruity flavors. I tasted other Mallorcan wines, and this Sirà and Cabernet are the best Mallorcan wines I've tasted. You must try them. Pictures Below are some pictures I took at the Jaume Mesquida Winery! Salud! Comments are closed.