Grateful to have been invited to a prescreening of An Inconvenient Sequel - Truth to Power last night in San Francisco. We also met Director John Shea. The official Movie Site is here, and in theaters July 28 Due to the very unfortunate news of Trump withdrawing the U..S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, Paramount Pictures decided to have a pre-release showing to Al Gore Climate Reality Trainees. The film is also being updated now with this unfortunate news IN ADDITION to the Grassroots Efforts being done to address this. The Director was not able to elaborate the exact Grassroots efforts as its being done as we are writing this article. Many of you know MANY efforts are being done NOW. As of last night, many US States, City Mayors, Businesses, Universities and Investors have Committed to the Goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. SEE THE NEWS HERE, Make sure your organization has signed on, and spread the news to all your Networks TODAY. Every day counts now. #wearestillin Comments are closed.